01. Are you up and running yet?
02. Are you accepting donations?
03. How can I get involved?
We are a legal,registered entity that is currently operating at the facilities of our affiliated
groups/individuals as well as at public and private facilities.   We are finalizing all paperwork
to start building our fixed campus near Moab, Utah and have already arraged for our first seminar!
Yes, the more assets we have, the more we can do.   Until our main campus is operational, all
donations will be applied toward its completion.   We have added a page to this site where
donations can be made with credit cards or PayPal.   Just use this link -
The only way to NOT get involved is to do nothing.   Deciding that you would like to help humans
achieve more is already a start!   If you would like to assist our efforts, you can get us in
contact with possible teachers or organizations, volunteer on one of our projects, donate, or just
spread the word about what we are trying to do.   Use this link to send an e-mail with your
intentions to start our relationship -